
Showing posts with the label AngularJS

Ng-repeat: Order a List Vertically rather Horizontal

    I don't think I need to explain the setup here since the title explains it all and if not there are similar questions I found that can explain the question for me (in the resource). The Solution  Example , I didn't write this example but I did think of one way to improve upon  it. If we have already defined the styles as classes we can than use the $odd or $even in ng-repeat. Since $odd or $even are Boolean we can use either one with a inline if statement and give the <li> tag a class based on it. I haven't tested this but I'm sure it will work, what I actually am curious about is that in the example the definition of odd and even since ng-repeat also have these variables. I wonder if they would ever have a conflict? As a side note for myself note that the example isn't in a un-order list but rather a div . That could another possibly reason behind my issue below. A Possible Alternative Solution column-count - CSS | MDN  -  Example Problems

Ng-grid: Sorting Ascending and Descending with Font-Awesome

    I wrote this little snippet for some requirements a while back but since it's so general and if it helps the project to have a quick template to grab it I think it would be much greater to share. Also I was just wanted to write out the documentation as I was learning Angularjs along with ng-grid for the first time during the time I wrote it. So it should be clear that the dependencies are Font-awesome ,  Ng-grid  and Angularjs for this snippet. When I wrote this when I was using Angularjs v1.2.16 stable, font-awesome v4.1.0 both it should not be a problem moving forward but with Ng-grid I used v2.7. It may break with later version as I know a lot has or will change in the template. This snippet should work in all browser but I only tested for Chrome, FireFox, IE8 and greater. My Code $templateCache.put("headerCellTemplate.html", "<div class=\"ngHeaderSortColumn {{col.headerClass}}\" ng-style=\"{'cursor': col.cursor}\" ng

Ng-grid: Display Two Fields in One Column

Task For ng-grid I have a set of fields in which they are pulled in via ajax however, when I have setup the cell template I need to not only display one field as a column but instead in the first column with the second another field. Solution I feel the documentation wasn't very clear on this point but the solution is simply using row.getProperty()  with the field you want in quotes. Plunker Example  using two column in the same column definition. Resources Defining columns · angular-ui/ng-grid Wiki · GitHub Templating · angular-ui/ng-grid Wiki · GitHub cellTemplate and grouping: can I change the template for the 'grouping' row - Stack Overflow how to apply field on cell Template using ng-grid - Stack Overflow

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